Finding inner Peace with Shunya Bindu in Northern Beaches, Sydney Australia – 20th May 2016

We all know those moments where we have lost all concept of time and are just one with everything or with whatever is happening. Where we don’t worry about what’s next or what has happened in the past. Peace comes with Presence, with embracing the moment exactly as it is.

Finding inner Peace is making Peace with what is. Immersed in the Grace of Shunya Bindu, the Mother of All Energies, Frequencies & Vibrations this becomes effortless. You are not in denial of what is happening but also aware of the True State, the ever present, peaceful Still Point.

We invite you to come and experience the Absolute Peace of your true Essence, as you are touched by the magnificent, all-knowing, ever graceful Shunya Bindu, or Zero-Point.
So don’t miss it!!

Date: 20th May 2016
Time: 7:30 pm
Venue: Be still and chill
658 Pittwater Road, Suite 206 level 2, Brookvale. Australia
Energy Exchange: $11 pay on the day to cover venue hire & other costs.

Bring a (yoga) mat if you wish to lay down.

RSVP: Click Here

Come, explore this journey back to Source.
