Cosmic Meditation Evenings Spiritual Awakening Meditation & Thymus Activation with Quantum Vortex Energy in Northern Beaches Sydney Australia December 2014

We welcome you to connect, to your SELF and the SOURCE of ALL THAT IS.

Each month we will lead you through activations and meditations to allow you to clear blockages and feel them release tangibly for your-SELF.

Theme for this month: Opening of the Heart Activation

Want to deepen your connection with your-SELF, others and ALL THAT IS?

Join us for a powerful thymus chakra activation which will clear away any blockages and facilitate your spiritual heart opening to its full potential.

The Thymus Chakra is the spiritual heart without any polarity. In this PULSE re-activation, no instrument or machine is used but pure energy from the SOURCE. In this experiential evening we will share the signature of source energy to activate your thymus fully. As the thymus is activated we open ourselves up to experience unconditional love. We can then easily connect with each other from the heart.

Date: 16th September 2014
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm
Venue: Herne Bay, Auckland

An experience your SOUL doesn’t want you to miss! So don’t wait and join us at the next meditation.