Cosmic Meditation Evenings in Dubai UAE October 2014

Are you feeling disconnected from the unconditional Love of the Mother/Father – Creator/ Source?

Are you looking to awaken to your Soul’s Purpose?

Then join our meditation on 23rd September: Spiritual awakening meditation with Thymus Activation with Quantum Vortex Energy!

During this Activation, experience the flow of the Purest Source Energetic Signature, the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse through your Thymus, awakening Divine remembrance and shifting you into a non-polarised neutral state of the Spiritual Heart. Awaken to your Soul’s Purpose on Earth by receiving this mini soul upgrade. Come and join us in August for this experiential guided meditation night.

Energy Exchange:  $10 pay on the day to cover venue hire & catering.

Date: 26th October  2014
Time: 6pm – 7pm
Venue: Al Hudaiba Street, Behind Ramada Jumeirah Hotel,Al Mina Road, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Why are we charging?

As much as we would like to provide a central place for everyone to meditate and connect, there are certain administration expenses incur for hiring the venue, catering, etc. to cover expenses to make this gathering run smoothly.


We look forward to welcoming you!