Finding inner Peace with Shunya Bindu in Tascott Central Coast Australia – 17th May 2016

Announcing our upcoming Cosmic Meditation evening at a new venue within Australia!!

We are delighted to announce our new Cosmic Meditation location in Central Coast to holistically cater for your Mind, Body, Soul and re-connect to the Super Soul. Bring your friends and family to experience the Mother of all frequencies, energies and vibrations to raise your personal vibration potentials. Everyone is welcome to join the experiential meditation and Be your True Self.


We welcome you to connect to your SELF, and the SOURCE of all that IS!


Each month we discuss a hot topic and lead you through a powerful silent transmission meditation that works on whatever you need, wherever you need it, in all dimensions. The Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse, the all-knowing Signature of Source-Void, Shunya Bindu, makes this possible!


Theme of this month: Finding inner Peace with Shunya Bindu


We all know those moments where we have lost all concept of time and are just one with everything or with whatever is happening. Where we don’t worry about what’s next or what has happened in the past. Peace comes with Presence, with embracing the moment exactly as it is.

Finding inner Peace is making Peace with what is. Immersed in the Grace of Shunya Bindu, the Mother of All Energies, Frequencies & Vibrations this becomes effortless. You are not in denial of what is happening but also aware of the True State, the ever present, peaceful Still Point.

We invite you to come and experience the Absolute Peace of your true Essence, as you are touched by the magnificent, all-knowing, ever graceful Shunya Bindu, or Zero-Point.


So, don’t miss it.
** Kindly note this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Date: 17th May 2016
Time: 7pm


As much as we would like to provide a central place for everyone to meditate and connect, there are certain administration expenses incur for hiring the venue, catering, etc. to cover expenses to make this gathering run smoothly.